Revealed by Alain Zivie, the Tomb of Aper-el (or Aperia) is located in the section of Unas Pyramid, in the Necropolis of Saqqara. Aper-el was a vizier under the reigns of Amenhotep III and Akhenaten in the Eighteenth Dynasty. The entrance to the tomb lies in an area known as Abwab el-Qotat (Doors of the Cats) where hundreds of mummified cats had been interred in earlier tombs. The tomb is a huge burial complex on four levels housing the mummies of the deceased, his wife, Tauret and son, Huy. In 1987, a big treasure of funerary equipments was found when the tomb was discovered, including the mummified bodies of the family still in their beautiful coffins - an astonishing find for Egyptian archaeology and art history. The Tomb's paintings illustrate art in the time of Akhenaten, not from Amarna or Thebes, but from Memphis which had remained Egypt’s main administrative capital. A portrait of god Osiris was carved over the defaced portrayals of Aper-el and his family in the niche.