Roy was a royal scribe and steward in the estates of the Temple of Amun and of King Horemheb of the late 18th Dynasty and early 19th Dynasty. He held the title the 'Royal Scribe in the Estates of Horemheb and of Amun'. He had his small tomb built in Dra Abu El Naga (Nobels Tombs), at the northern end of the Theban necropolis, on the hillside just before the road turns off towards the King’s Valley in the West Bank of Luxor.
The tomb comprises a small chamber with a niche and burial shaft. The tomb has a very low painted ceiling decorated with geometric patterns. Roy's wife, Nebtawy (or ‘Tawy’ for short) appears with him in the tomb paintings. It is well renowned for the good quality of its multi-colored paintings. The decoration of the tomb mainly treats Roy's funeral procession, receiving offerings, agricultural activities, scenes from the Book of Gates, and depictions of god Horus leading Roy and his wife before Maat (goddess of justice in the Ancient Egyptian Mythology). Also distinguishing the tomb is the frieze of Hathor heads around the tops of the tomb's walls.