This Userhet was the First Prophet of the Royal Ka of Tutmes I during the reigns of Horemheb, Ramses I and Seti I. In this tomb, we observe a mixture of styles, typical of its epoch of transition, between the art of the 18th dynasty, Amarna art and Ramesside art. At the entrance of the tomb, Userhet carved a one-meter-high limestone stela inscribed with offering texts and with the names of his family members. At the interior of the tomb, the walls are covered with a heavy layer of white mud plaster made with big quantity of straw chaff, nevertheless only the antechamber was decorated, may be because of the sudden death of User-Het. Scenes in the tomb represent religious rituals and funeral procession as well as equipments and offerings. We see Userhet and his wife standing before a building, receiving offerings and jewelry. We see also Userhet's funeral procession: the coffin, funerary furniture and mourning women, and the priests praying in front of the mummies of User-het and his wife.
In other scenes, Hathor welcomes the mummy into the netherworld; User-Het and his wife Hatshepsut hearts are weighted in the balance of Maat and Osiris welcomes them with his court. In other scenes, we find the adoration of the Falcon-Headed god Monthou, the procession of adoration of Tutmes I and Userhat as his prophet. We can also see the family members of Userhet; his Henuttawy, his wife and a daughter, and a friend official called Nebmehyt and his wife. The most famous scene of the tomb is that of Userhet, his wife and mother, seated beside a sycamore fig tree.