Horus is a falcon-headed god, who represented the greatest cosmic powers for ancient Egyptians. Horus Military Route once extended from Rafah (in Sinai) until the city of El-Qantarah Sharq, in the governorate of Ismailiya.
According to battle relief of King Seti I in the columns court of the Karnak Temple, the site had over 11 fortresses and military compounds. Here, archeologists found remains of different periods as well as 4 fortresses.
Two of the forts were found at Qantrah Sharq (Eastern Qantarah) at Tell Habouh and Tell Al-Borg; the third in Bir Al-Abd; the fourth in the Kharoub area near Al-Arish.
The first to be built at the site, the fortress at Tell Habouh was found to be largest one and it was identified as the ancient Fortress of Tharou, an old Pharaonic fort that had rooms and barracks for the soldiers and officers of the ancient Egyptian Army, as well as a great number of stores and a stable.